One of my dearest friends responded to One Way To Go. I will keep her anonymous, and this email is not to put her on blast. However she inspired me with this line from her response:

“It never ends…we have to live off less and get used to the fact the best days have passed.”


I was one of those people who believed that you “have to live off less and get used to the fact the best days have passed”. I spent half my life living in the valley “content”. I made myself happy with the ideal that “just enough to survive” was good enough for me. This is what I call “Inherited Poverty”. This is habit common to the “have-nots”.

When I got sick in June 2012, I decided I had enough. I made the decision that I would no longer paralyze myself or my life by believing in this idea that surviving was good enough for me and my family. After walking through the valley all of these years, I finally starting looking towards the peak.

What is the peak? The peak is where real living happens. We all have been to the peak plenty of times in our lives. It comes in different experiences and forms. Have you ever wondered why Friday is so great? if you take the days of the week and write them in a single line, then turn that line on an angle, Friday is the peak. Damn near every Friday of your life has been an exciting day. Your attitude is always T.G.I.F!

Why is it not the same for Monday? Monday is the worst day of the week by choice. It never ends… is a choice. living off less…is a choice. Why not choose to live everyday like it is Friday? Why not LIVE AT THE PEAK?

We never focus on LIVING AT THE PEAK because we don’t recognize the peak. It is a simple ideal but requires a lot of work to maintain, much more work then most of us are willing to put in, so we are content with living in the valley. Do you believe that you are taking advantage of all your life has to offer? I know I am not but I AM HEADED TOWARD THE PEAK!

So I ask, where is your peak? can you see your peak or are there to many clouds for you? Today, define your peak. Then get your faith. You have to start thinking, if you can see the peak, then you can get to the peak.


Click here and tell me: WHAT DO YOU THiNK?

#livingatthepeak #RETHiNK #dizmajiz

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