I woke up this morning and Thanked God for this new day as I do every day. As I think about it, I find myself saying thank you to God a lot throughout the day. I try my best to acknowledge all of my blessings and I have so much to be grateful for.
This post coincidentally arrives a week before Thanksgiving. I wasn’t inspired by the holiday, however I am extremely grateful and have been pondering these thoughts and feelings for weeks.
I have been absolutely swamped with client work and I appreciate it so much. I know what it’s like to be on the opposite end and not have any work. Be grateful for the raining days because they teach you what a sunny day is like. When things are not going well, there is so much you can learn about yourself or the particular situation. The knowledge you can gain, if you allow yourself to learn, will help you so much when you get back on track.
Even when it’s a bad season, there is something to be grateful for.
I want to say Thanks to my mom for everything she has done for me in my life. There is too much to list but I truly appreciate everything she has done for me and I say THANK YOU!
I am thankful for my brothers as I continue to learn so much from both of them.
Thank you to my wife. You have given me life. Without you I would not have my beautiful family. You also drive me crazy but I am thankful for all of it.
I want to thank my children. You both are my WHY. You both inspire me to be a better me.
Yes You… who is taking the time to read this right now. You have read some of or all of my posts. You have taken the time to respond to one or many of my posts. You have expressed your thoughts to me whether positive or negative. I have thanked you in my response to your responses but I am so honored that you have taken a few minutes of your life to share part of mine. I can not express how much YOU have helped me. I am so grateful for YOU. I appreciate YOU.
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#thankyou #RETHiNK #dizmajiz
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