October is such a crazy month for me. There is so much happening during this month, even with a to-do list, I find it challenging to keep up.
It kicks off with my brother’s birthday and New York Comic Con. This leads into the big 3, my birthday, my wife’s birthday, my anniversary, which are literally back to back. The month ends with my mom’s birthday and halloween, which is the same day. Not only do I have all these events on my agenda but this month is normally the holiday season kick off and I get swamped with client projects.
It can be pretty overwhelming. It is extremely difficult to maintain this level of commitment everyday but even more so during this particular month. The reason it is so hard is we readily have access to CHOICE. It’s your decision to either do or don’t. Having a choice TO DO SOMETHING vs do nothing, most people choose nothing. I am not above choosing to do nothing however I know choosing to do nothing leaves you with nothing.
No matter how much is going on, my focus is on SHOWING UP. It is the difference between talking about doing and executing. It is the difference between the average me and the great or phenomenal me. SHOWING UP is becoming part of me, something I just do and that is by choice.
As I am writing this it has dawned on me how far I have come over the past 2 years. At first I was posting to this blog randomly. Then I made a half-ass effort and changed to once a month randomly. When I made the choice to post every Thursday, everything changed. I’ve noticed I’m really tuned in all week as to what I will post and very cognitive of my Thursday deadline.
When Thursday arrives, I awake with excitement and anticipation. I am thrilled that I have to rise to the challenge. This choice that I’ve made has not been easy but here I am 3 months later, 15 posts [every thursday] and counting, hundreds of views, people commenting and amazingly, people looking forward to what is coming next.
My choice was to eliminate the other choice which is do nothing. My choice increased my consistency, confidence and commitment. I believe in myself now MORE SO than ever. I don’t know I can, I KNOW I CAN.
One decision, one change, one commitment. THE CHOiCE iS YOURS.
Click here and tell me: WHAT DO YOU THiNK?
#thechoiceisyours #rethink #dizmajiz
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